Tuesday 23 February 2016

Links to Maths help (also fun to do)


The following sites covers the Math curriculum from Grade R to Grade 12. As far as I can see these sites have online questions where you have to click on the right answer. So it will be a lot of fun for kids or something to do on their tablets when they are bored.


Here is a site that has more than Maths. Educational games, etc. You'll have to search around to find what you like. They also have Smartkids books that they sell at prices less than R100.


If it is work sheets that you are after - stuff that you can print and do at home... Junior Math Work Sheets

In Maths it is important to practice, practice, practice. There are lovely books in book shop but they cost a lot of money. Also, if your kid makes a boo-boo, it's in the book forever. My aim will be to put as many work sheets as possible in the shop so that parents can have free / cheap resources.

I prefer printable pages for my own children (I have two sons). You can quickly print out a page whenever they need it and if they make mistakes - recycle and print a new one.

Off course children have to make mistakes. If you never make a mistake, how will you learn? So don't chuck that "mistake page" immediately. Keep it so that your child can see where he went wrong and then attempt the same work sheet in another way.

PRICES: Some products are free. For others the prices range from R2,75 to R20. My aim is to try and keep everything at R5 or less. [However, I need to be paid for my labour, so if it is not R5, just know that a lot more work went into that one.]

All work sheets (except pre-school) will be in accordance with CAPS. [For people who don't understand this acronym, it is not something you put on your head, it is the syllabus. We don't use the word syllabus anymore.]

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